Afflicted by Blight

I promise this isn’t turning into a DOOM only website, and especially not one that is only dedicated to Blight. But with the first game wrapped up, and the tongue-in-cheek humor with the mention of two other Blight games, I felt somewhat motivated to carry through with those ideas.
Blight: Affliction is the second game in what would eventually be known as a trilogy. I wouldn’t hold my breath for that, but that is my long (very long) term goal. It will be the Blight trilogy that all takes place between DOOM and DOOM II. The second of the three (as well as the third) will take place within DOOM II. No more limitations on the monsters or weapons. Players will get to fight the Archvile, and kill things with the Super Shotgun.
Progress has already begun on Blight: Affliction, and will feature the first half of DOOM II Megawad. So you will have MAP01 through MAP016. While the second half, MAP17 through MAP32, will be the last of the trilogy. The name is mentioned in Blight but will not be mentioned here just yet. This will feature some unreleased maps that I had worked on since my 20+ years of DOOM design. Old maps will be updated, New maps will be added. I will try to not use custom textures unless I need to illustrate an idea. And, this will once again take place directly after Blight.
I will only work on this sparingly as I have other projects as you can see that do need worked on, and Blight doesn’t make us money. Thoughts about that have stirred in my head, but it would be a fully realized drop with goodies. But again, I don’t have a name behind my mapping, and Blight wasn’t supposed to be a Magnum Opus. I did jump head first into the mod developing scene and release that as my first mod.
Blight: Affliction will try to address many of the issues that was brought up during the development of Blight, such as difficulty, bugs, and lack of weaponry. And with the KEX port released, I will have to make sure I develop for that as well. My ports I’m shooting for is GZDOOM, DSDA, Woof, and KEX. I’ll see as I move further along if I need to test in other ports. But those are the ones I’m looking at.
John Romero once stated in his streams, after a suggestion by a viewer, that they were known as “SIGILians”. Well I hereby declare Blight fans to be “BLIGHTarians”. Anyway, a short update to the progress of Crusader Games. Aside from personal, health, and work related issues, we are still a company designed to create some awesome content for a variety of genres. Happy DOOMing.